Consumer Use Of Massage*
88%consider massage to be effective in reducing pain |
70%agree massage should be a form of health care |
88%believed massage can be beneficial to health and wellness |
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In Your State.
Consumer Education
The consumers of today are much smarter, knowledgeable and computer savvy. AMMN believes that an educated & informed patient is the best patient. Thus we are offering more than a hundred seminars/workshops & webinars on different health-conditions & diseases, either online or in-person, conducted by a qualified health professional.
Please download the brochure for Medical Education for Consumers:
Click To Make An Appointment For A Massage
Check out our online seminars which are available anytime, dates & locations for in-person seminars will be advised after we receive at least 10 participants for program. Reservations are on-going at info@medicalmassagenetwork.org.
Download Your Brochure
Q. Why is my doctor or healthcare professional referring me to you?
A. Massage Therapists are generally licensed as ‘Health Care Professionals’. They all have a Basic Training. But we are highly trained & experienced in Medical Massage. It is the same difference between a Primary Care Doctor and a Specialist. Your doctor has referred you to us, because he/she knows that you need to see a Specialist, for non-pharmacological treatment of your health condition.
Q. Does my insurance pay for Medical Massage?
A. More & more insurance companies are now paying for Medical Massage. The Veterans Administration and CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) are considering to pay for Medical Massage from 2020.
Primary Reason For Receiving Any Massage In 2018*

American Medical Massage Network
American Medical Massage Network (AMMN) is a national network of licensed Massage Therapists, uniquely trained, qualified and highly experienced in one or more medical specialty.
Massage Therapists are licensed as Health Care Professionals in many states. Since the value & efficacy of Medical Massage has already been established through evidence-based research, by Beaumont Health System, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic, Duke Health System, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, VA, NIH and many other reputable organization, in collaboration with your health professional, Therapeutic Medical Massage, as a non-pharmacologic treatment, could be of significant benefit for many health conditions.
The network is designed & established to work closely with Physicians & other healthcare providers, to help the patient.
Criteria to be a part of American Medical Massage Network:
- Be a licensed Massage Therapist for at least one year
- Graduated from a recognized/licensed Massage School
- Post-graduate training, ‘Specialized’ knowledge, academic training or experience in one or more ‘Medical Specialty’
An exclusive publication of AMMN designed for your peace-of-mind and to maintain a comprehensive & complete record of your health history.
Although Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have been in the news for decades, they are expensive, limited in scope, often full of errors, and only available to some doctors and at few clinics & hospitals. They are NOT available nationwide or overseas, and carry a big risk of breach and privacy.
The AMMN’s simplified, economical, safe & secure ‘Personal Medical Records Journal’ empowers YOU to write-in your medical history from birth-on, your family history, dental history, and use of any holistic medicine, OTC, etc.
You can maintain it correctly, bring it to your healthcare providers each time you visit them, and pass it on to your loved ones. Take it with you wherever you go – just in case you need it in an emergency.
It also gives you information about suggested preventive services, vaccine schedule for adults, Emergency Supply Kit info, as well as sample forms for Advance Care Planning & Organ Donation.
Buy it for $12.00 from your Massage Therapist or from your health provider, or order it directly below for $12.00 plus shipping & handling of $5.00 each.
* AMTA 2017 Survey

Approximately 47.5 million people had a total of 214 million massages in the U.S. in 2018, compared to 47.1 million people having a total of 179 million in 2017*
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AMMN Medical Massage Magazine (Not available at this time)

Subscribe to our bi-monthly magazine ‘ MEDICAL MASSAGE’
The Yearly cost (6 issues) is:$21.00
Plus postage……………….$6.00