Q: What type of Massage is considered Medical Massage under your criteria for affiliation?
A: For 3rd party billing, it is classified as a type of massage which is NOT for relaxation or fun, but has some Therapeutic Value to it.
Q: Does it has to be a ‘Chronic’ health condition?
A: Not necessarily
Q: How do I get referrals for Medical Massage?
A: In each state, AMMN is reaching out to the consumers through news-media, organizations as well as hospitals, clinics, physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists and other healthcare providers, including insurance companies, self-insured corporations, and self-paying clients.
Depending upon the client’s needs and your ‘Specialization’, AMMN will contact you by email, offering you two possible dates/times for an appointment. If you’re not available, please give us your availability. After receiving your confirmation, AMMN will let the client know and send you their contact, health intake info & pain-assessment form by email, so you have all that information before the client’s arrival. After the service, please let AMMN know that the service was completed & your brief report. We will also send you the script/referral, including diagnosis, from the client’s physician, to help you with your assessment and treatment plan.
Q: It cost me a lot of money & time to advertise, promote, make appointments & collect my fee. Can AMMN help me take-over all that work, so I can devote more time to providing massage. Do I still keep the ownership of my clients?
A: Yes indeed. Simply ask your clients to make appointments thru AMMN website. It is quick, convenient and we will do all the work for you. You definitely get to keep the ownership of your clients. Our website appointment system asks them to indicate your name and phone number – so we know that it is your client.
Q: How do I get paid for my services?
A: AMMN has established a ‘payment form’ that the client will complete and pay while making the appointment. AMMN will deduct 15% of the total paid as ‘Administrative Fee’ and send you a check or directly deposit the monies in your bank account within 30 days of the service. The 2nd & subsequent visits must also follow the same procedure.
For corporate accounts or for insurance billings – AMMN will do all the billings on your behalf, thus saving you the time and trouble of billings & accounting.
Q: How much would I get paid for Medical Massage?
A: The medical billing for a ‘Specialist’ is always higher than normal, hence our goal is to negotiate a much higher compensation for Medical Massage, as compared to a regular massage. We have suggested an average fee for the Level-1, Level-2 and Level-3 massage in this website, but it is subject to change without notice.
In your ‘Profile’ form, we have asked you to please let us know what you charge for a Medical Massage. Because the fee charged is not universal, we are trying to learn and suggest a universal fee across the nation.
Q: Where and how can we get additional training as ‘Specialists?’
A: AMMN offers a large number of 45-hours (3-credits) courses at $5 per hour, in myriad of specialties to our affiliates. Some of these can be done online, while others have an ‘internship’ requirements which can be done locally at a hospital, clinic, or a special group-workshop. Some of the additional ‘Specialist’ training will be arranged in collaboration with other healthcare CME organizations. We believe that Massage Therapists, in order to become effective, must continuously upgrade their knowledge in the ‘Specialty’.
Q: Who will safeguard & maintain the Health Records of the client?
A: You are required by federal, state & local laws to safeguard & maintain all health-records. It is your responsibility to maintain all such confidential record and compliance with HIPPA regulations.
Q. What is ‘Personal Medical Record Journal’ and what is our role in promoting it?
A. Although some clients have their medical records electronically maintained by their physician or local hospital, the clients are not empowered to add, delete or correct any errors, or to add more of their family history, or treatment, etc. This information is also not available to the providers if the client is out-of-town or country, putting the client at greater risk. There have been thousands of breaches of clients’ health records.
We have published a special ‘Personal Medical Record Journal’ which is available to the client either electronically or in print. The information entered therein is very safe, private and only available to the client or their family or their healthcare provider. You or AMMN or anyone else has absolutely no access to it.
Your role is to encourage your client to purchase the electronic copy or the printed copy, either thru you or from AMMN, because this health history could save the life of the client or their loved ones.
There is a lot of additional information, including health history of their parents, grand-parents, siblings & about Advance Directives, Designation of Patient Advocate, Organ donation, Immunization & Emergency Preparedness, etc. The Journal also allows them to enter Holistic Medicine they use, including Massage Therapy or food supplements, etc.